The cost of financing a new car may be a lot cheaper than you think, take a look at the scenario below, demonstrating how affordable car finance really is!
Recently, Maryanne was in the market for a new car. Maryanne had a full time job, which she had been in for a couple of years, she had a house in her name and a deposit of $4,000 saved up. Maryanne, being the cluey little thing she is, called Ozwide Asset Management and enquired as to how she would go about getting pre-approval. Warwick explained to her that she was best to provide us with the details of the car that she would most likely be purchasing and the price that she would be happy to purchase it at. In the meantime provide us with 3 of her most recent payslips, most recent tax return, ID and a rates notice for her property. So Maryanne went away and worked out what she could afford and came back to Warwick with the details.
Maryanne was approved for a Rav4 at $40,000 purchased from a dealer.
Warwick got Maryanne approved to purchase the car on that same day, so Maryanne went shopping! She found the perfect vehicle, but it was different to what she had been approved for which worried her slightly. A quick phone to Warwick later and she was reapproved for the same vehicle, ready to execute documents at a rate of 4.2%, that’s only $700 per month!
Maryanne ended up finding a Subaru XV for $38,000 at a different dealer and was re-approved in the same day.
Maryanne’s organisation allowed her to be ready to strike when she found the perfect car and as well as this, allowed her to take advantage of a great rate.If you would like any further information regarding finance and how cheap it could be for you, get organised!Request a call back or email using the form below.